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#1 INTRODUCTION TO Positive Education #1

Learning Objective

To appraise avenues of Positive Education

SuCcess Criteria

SC# 1

I have examined 2-3 of my preferred types of Positive Education Methods

SC #2

I have summarised two Positive Education methods

SC #3

 I have composed an experiment to apply one Positive Education method in a real-world scenario


Did you know that when we engage in learning through positive methods, like gaming, or physical activities, we learn more deeply and quickly than via traditional lectures or rote learning?
This has been proven time and time again. Most significantly in research conducted by education experts John Dewey, Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky and Seymour Papert.


So, let's play a game! Watch the video to the right

ActivityLink to strengths poster

1. Collect 5 post-it notes

2. On each post-it note, write the same signature strength that your teacher has assigned you, making sure it's large and clear

3.  Stick all 5 notes to your jumper/shirt

4.  When your teacher says "Go!" you are to negotiate with classmates and trade post-it notes by swapping stories of how you have used, or could use, a strength you want on the other classmate's top.

5. Once you have all 5 of your preferred strengths sit down and wait for your next instructions

6. Keep your post-it notes face up on your desk for later.

Reflection: Once students have completed the activity, the students can volunteer to share how they got their strengths, or they can write in their journal discussing each strength they've ended up with and why they chose those strengths.


Exploring Positive Education Methods

Why should I care about Positive Education? Positive Education is important because it helps you manage stress and improve mental health, leading to better academic performance. It enhances relationships with peers and teachers, increases motivation and engagement in learning, and teaches valuable life skills like emotional regulation and problem-solving. By focusing on your strengths, it boosts self-confidence and prepares you for future challenges. Therefore, Practicing Positive Education creates a supportive school environment, making school a more enjoyable place to learn and grow. Ultimately, it helps you thrive both in school and in life. (Students Page at


Activity: Below are 9 squares that each reveal a Positive Education Method used to enhance learning. Your task is to select three or more listed below and research how they are used in the classroom and why.

Example: Using a search engine to find the answer to 'how is 'insert Positive Education method' used in a classroom and why?


CONNECTING  Positive Education Methods


Positive education combines traditional education principles with research-backed ways of increasing happiness and wellbeing. The fundamental goal of positive education is to promote flourishing or positive mental health within the school community. Thus enabling a thriving learning environment. A positive classroom environment builds emotional and social connections between students and teachers, making them feel comfortable, respected, and valued. It also encourages collaboration among peers while providing an atmosphere conducive to learning.

VIDEO HERE OF The Positive Mentor
Explaining task of learning through a game is quicker then learning through  imposed knowledge without consideration of students history


Take 2 of your research 



Experimenting with Positive Education

Experiments in the Positive Mentor program are optional. However, you get to create experiments to test a theory that aligns with the work you've researched. The task is to think of how you can use the experiment that excites you and relates to your interests. Watch the video to the right to see this week's experiment, or read the guidelines below.



Document your results with a short paragraph summarising your experiment and findings for discussion later this week with your class.

Experiment: Now that you've researched up to 3 methods, and documented 2, your experiment this week is to see how you can apply one of these methods in a real-life situation throughout your week. 

Chosen Method: 'Optimism and growth mindset'.

Thinking about the power of optimism and a growth mindset, you focus on your ability to learn and improve through effort and perseverance. You then decide for your experiment you're going to apply this to your little athletics training by persevering in your long jump practice. You continue training and conducting trials to improve your results through consistent effort.

Ticket to leave

SC# 1?

I have explored 2-3 of my preferred types of Positive Education Methods

SC #2 ?

I have documented up to two methods in my workbook/Positive Education Journal

SC #3 ?

 I have organised an experiment to apply one Positive Education method in a real-world scenario.

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